learn | GROW | repeat

lesson from an open wound
lesson from an open wound Cuts, scrapes, gashes.... even just a bump... All wounds I've ever had have 1 very simple attribute in common: they hurt. Another trait they have is that they heal. The characteristic that changes from wound to wound is the time and process...
read morea different perspective… then & now
a little glimpse into a truth God taught my heart… several years ago… I was perusing my post drafts… thoughts on which I never hit the “publish” button… and found this gem.
read moreon having rights & doing right… and perceived safety & following Jesus
The longer I live, the crazier this world seems to become. I'm thinking many of you reading this might agree! {And I apologize ahead of time if the tone of this occasionally seems harsh... I often come across that way IRL [in real life] too. I don't mean to. It just...
read moresome things {motherhood} has taught me
some things {motherhood} has taught me Just some random, not necessarily earth-shattering, thoughts from my 10 years being "Mom"... 1. "little people" are not "small adults"--their minds are truly a blank canvas and must be written on carefully. 2. I will...
read morememorizing Scripture
Have you ever decided to consciously memorize Scripture but couldn't figure out what verses with which to begin? I'm in the process of writing a guest post for a friend and these thoughts came up in my writing process... I have a list in the front of my Bible that...
read more[James] do not … must do {Ps 15}
As I mentioned before: Becoming a mature Christian is not an easy path, but God does promise to help us.
Please share your thoughts on these verses in the comments! I enjoy different perspectives.
all in good time
I cannot help but PRAISE THE LORD for HIS goodness! Recently my family endured some unexpected and abrupt changes. In searching out God's direction for us, we have listened to several different preachers in the last few months. It has been amazing to have God teach me...
read moreteaching lying
teaching lying Sometimes the words that come from my children truly convict me in my parenting. Recently has been no different, but it has been a particular something... more than just random willfulness or selfishness. The other day 2 of my girls were playing nicely,...
read morewhat is YOUR problem?
what is YOUR problem? Yesterday, my husband preached in the stead of a pastor who was out of town. His message came from Daniel 2-which is quite a familiar passage to most people who have "grown up in church": King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream...
read morewhen your world is turned… upside down
When I was was young there were a few circumstances that occurred that turned my world on its head. Now that yet another situation has turned my world upside down and been the cause of confusion, I realize that: even as a child I was learning some lessons about God,...
read morefrom the days… that run together
Some times days just run together so that weeks become months before you even realize it. Birthdays come and go. Songs are sung. School activities get attended. Church services are sat through. Laundry is washed. Dishes are cleaned. Floors are vacuumed. And yet, I get...
read more{learning} how to fall
{learning} how to fall We read this story in our devotion book the other evening: {I will paraphrase some of it} Little Sammy had to wear leg braces because he had polio. He fell often but still wanted to attend school. One day he fell down the steps and...
read more{searching} for ME
{searching} for ME {my heart--convicted recently... sharing} Have you ever heard the expression "I just need to find myself"? Maybe you have been there, searching for who you are- leaving family and just looking- searching God's creation for YOU. Or maybe you have not...
read moream I a Christian?
am I a Christian? I suppose that in order to know if I AM a Christian, I should understand what it means to BE a Christian. The Christ of this word is Jesus of the Bible. the Son of God [only begotten]. And -ian has several meanings: belonging to or...
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