[FREE-printable!!] #ThankfulnessChallenge2016

I participated in a Thankfulness Challenge way back in 2011 {seriously, that was 5 years ago!}… and I wanted to do it again, a little differently this year, but wow! it’s November 1 today!

I am sharing my #thankfulnesschallenge2016 #thankful #gratitude #designing31 on IG {instagram} and facebook.

Today: November 1: nov1_d31

And you can use this same background for FREE:


RIGHT-CLICK and SAVE IMAGE AS to download on a computer. CLICK to open media page and simply SAVE IMAGE on your smart-device.

Join me on instagram {or facebook}

with #thankfulnesschallenge2016 & #designing31








drawings for my {Sunday School} class

drawings for my {Sunday School} class

Recently it hit me that I could spill my journaling over into my Sunday school class!

I teach very sweet 4th & 5th grade girls. We have a curriculum, but it does not always include something to engage the children’s hands, which I find to be helpful sometimes. [I am not implying it is a necessary part of teaching Sunday school, only that I find it helpful for my teaching style 🙂 ]


I thought I might share a couple of the drawings/coloring pages with you all, in hopes that they might be encouraging or helpful.

For each picture, Right Click and SAVE LINK AS to download to color!

They are each set to print an regular 8.5x11 paper.

*These are free to you for personal use. Please print as many as you need to use in your own children’s classes at church or to distribute–freely--to whomever you please. I do ask that if anyone wants the digital file, you send them the link here 🙂 –-THANKS so much!

Right Click and SAVE LINK AS and you can download to color!

Right Click and SAVE LINK AS and you can download to color!

Right Click and SAVE LINK AS and you can download to color!

Right Click and SAVE LINK AS and you can download to color!


Recently it hit me that I could spill my journaling over into my Sunday school class!

I teach very sweet 4th & 5th grade girls. We have a curriculum, but it does not always include something to engage the children’s hands, which I find to be helpful sometimes. [I am not implying it is a necessary part of teaching Sunday school, only that I find it helpful for my teaching style 🙂 ]


I thought I might share a couple of the drawings/coloring pages with you all, in hopes that they might be encouraging or helpful.

For each picture, Right Click and SAVE LINK AS to download to color!

They are each set to print an regular 8.5x11 paper.

*These are free to you for personal use. Please print as many as you need to use in your own children’s classes at church or to distribute–freely--to whomever you please. I do ask that if anyone wants the digital file, you send them the link here 🙂 –-THANKS so much!

Right Click and SAVE LINK AS and you can download to color!

Right Click and SAVE LINK AS and you can download to color!

Right Click and SAVE LINK AS and you can download to color!

Right Click and SAVE LINK AS and you can download to color!



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How’s your {spiritual} gut health?

[Did you know that many of our physical illnesses and even some diseases have been linked to gut healthliterally the good and bad bacteria that line our digestive tract and help us extract nutrients from our food? Often, symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, joint aches, etc can be reversed through eliminating something from or adding something to your diet. Many people deal with food allergies manifested in the form of achy joints or skin issues instead of nausea or respiratory problems.]

Last week, a friend on facebook was asking a group of ladies about some health issues her child seemed to have and if any of us had dealt with similar issues and how we handled it. While there were a myriad of answers and all was civil, something struck me when I gave my answer, in part it was this:

I am finding almost every physical “problem” I have comes back to what I eat. It’s really annoying. Lol.


And right as I typed that… before I even finished posting the comment, I felt a tug from the Spirit of God in me saying, Yes, this is true in your Spiritual health also.

It was really like a sucker-punch to the gut- my spiritual gut. lol.

And a few verses came to my mind:

John 4: 13 -Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 14- But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. 48-I am that bread of life.

1 Peter 2:1-Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, 2- As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 3 –If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

1 Corinthians 3:1 – And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. 2- I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

Jesus is bread-not just bread, but the bread of LIFE. He is water for thirsty souls–not just water, but water that becomes a wellspring of everlasting life: LIVING WATER.


Bible study of doctrines and life principles are milk and then meat for a Christian-the FOOD of our Christian life.

When I consume excess sugar (or other foods to which I may be allergic, we are all unique) or processed foods that hold little nutritional value, my body gets tired, sluggish; and I do not feel well. My gut, where digestion takes place, becomes off-balance; and sometimes I get a headache. Other times my actual gut hurts or my joints get achy or I may have an unexplained patch of dry, itchy skin.

But when I consume life giving foods such as fruits and vegetables, good meats and healthy fats, other plants such as beans, grains and nuts, my gut is happy and my body feels nourished and energized to do the work of the day…..

So it is spiritually.


When I am not consuming personal Bible study but rather maybe just reading self-help items or relying on previous study, when Sunday comes around and the preacher only spouts “feel-goodisms” (even using Scripture, but there is no challenge to repent and GROW) without confronting sin and challenging me towards growth and a Christ-like life, my spiritual life gets tired. I become bored and sluggish in my attempt to live the Christian life… my spiritual gut becomes unbalanced. My spirit is not properly digesting Scripture for all its nutrients to cause me to grow in Christ.

But when I daily receive something from His Word, when the preacher expounds Scripture with challenges for me to repent of sin and grow and become more Christlike, I tend to feel energized and nourished to the point of growth and spiritual work.


And there are season of my life in which I look back and realize there was such a sluggishness to my walk with the Lord, and other times I look back and rejoice at realizing I grew through a period and am not the same person I was!

These are just a few applications of which the Lord convicted me… there are others, for another time. 🙂

Have you ever thought about spiritual digestion like that before?
I’d love to hear how the Lord taught you! Leave a comment 🙂





did you know!?

many of my Scripture designs are available on various products on a site called REDBUBBLE

And I’m adding more as I’m able

women’s Ts

click to see more designs and styles

zipper pouches

click to see more designs & sizes

spiral notebooks

click to see more designs

travel mugs

click to see more designs and other mug styles

every design is available on:

tshirts & hoodies [various styles]
mugs [various styles]
totes [3 sizes]
zipper pouches [2 sizes]
spiral notebook
phone skins [various styles]
die-cut vinyl stickers [various sizes]
throw pillow covers [2 sizes]
laptop skins & sleeves…

and some have more products!

How it works…. I draw and then digitize and upload designs to my account on Redbubble.

When you purchase a product, Redbubble creates each individual item and ships it to you! I receive a modest percentage as a “royalty” fee.



when your world is turned… upside down

When I was was young there were a few circumstances that occurred that turned my world on its head.

Now that yet another situation has turned my world upside down and been the cause of confusion, I realize that:

even as a child I was learning some lessons about God,

about life, about human nature… and myself.

purple flower

I may speak about the other types of lessons sometime, but for today I want to share a few lessons I have learned about God… when my world seems turned completely bottom-side-up.

**The verses often quoted from Romans 8 are not idle platitudes:

26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered…. These past few weeks I have been so grateful to have this comfort. When my heart is overwhelmed, The Spirit of God intercedes FOR ME at the Throne of Grace!

27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.And God listens.

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.… I have seen it before, and I know I will see it again: Even when it seems that God could not work a situation out, I turn around and His name is being glorified and the darkest hour IS “just before the dawn.” While I do not yet see the rays of a new day pouring over the horizon of my heart, I am just as confident in them as I am of my salvation!

29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.… and “bad things happen” because this world is a sinful place, but God uses circumstances to mold my life to be more like Christ.

**It is not about my supposed position of service or paid ministry that makes me useful to God. It is my heart being conformed to the image of His Son, so that I may be counted among the “firstborn” of God.

yellow daisy

**It amazes me to watch how God uses us, sinful creatures, to accomplish His will, giving Himself supernatural Glory and causing His Name to be praised!  

Verse 35 asks who could separate us, His own, from the love of Christ... and the answer in all of us should be the same as the apostle’s:

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

There are others hurting and questioning over some current situations in the life of my family. I give them these verses from II Thessalonians 1:

11 Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: 12 That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

**Remember that God has called each of His children to proclaim His Gospel to the lost. That is our highest calling!

pink tip rose-2

And I pray that those hurting and confused over issues would ask for Lord to **remove all secondary causes** -meaning the human instruments-

and believe that God IS in control.

He wants us each to learn something,

**and the ultimate Glory is for God’s name to be praised in your own heart and life, even through this.


One of the hardest and yet most rewarding things we can learn in the Christian life is it TRUST GOD…

…we are not commanded to trust any man or the wisdom of men.

Only trust God.

He is the only one that loved us enough to take the punishment of our sin upon His own body to pay for it.


In Proverbs 3 we are told:

3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: …bind mercy AND truth about they neck. Often truth seems to call for judgment,

**but God asks us to COMBINE truth WITH mercy.

4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man… and this combining truth with mercy {goodness, faithfulness, kindness} will bring us favor with man-this is a good thing.

5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding

**our own understanding will fail us.

blue morning glory

Our own heart is full of wickedness. ALL men’s hearts are full of wickedness.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy pathsBut God can and will direct the path our lives take when we acknowledge Him.

7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil

We must not seek a wisdom from our own experiences

…or from a man.

This wisdom is faulty and flawed by sin.

Only fear the Lord. Only live your life as far from evil as you can… 

8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones….

and  your soul will be healthy and ready to stand before Him…

 …even if your heart is breaking. 

blackeyed susan

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Let’s connect on FACEBOOK!

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I’m also on Instagram!
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and I’m on Twitter!

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my “to do” list… and yours

my “to do” list… and yours

I do not normally post on Saturdays… and definitely not this late 🙂 but this post was so strong in my heart that I felt compelled to go ahead and post it. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It is overwhelming: this day-to-day of being a wife and mother, a sister and daughter, a friend, a mentor.

There is pressure from the world to do-all, be-all, have-all…. and if you don’t… well, I won’t go there.

There is pressure from within ourselves, and sometimes even from within our circle of friends, to do-it-right, to-make-it-look-good… and if there’s a crack in that mirage you’re selling to the public, the whole thing comes crashing down one day.

But do you know where none of that pressure originates?

None of that pressure originates from our Lord.

Yes, He does not want us living in filth… never cleaning our home or washing our clothing.

But neither does HE put this pressure into our lives to have this perfect pretense.

I am going to share a portion of a letter a dear friend of mine sent out a while back. She and her family are missionaries and wish to remain anonymous, but what she wrote really spoke to my spirit that day, and has helped me view certain situations very differently since.

I pray that it will be a blessing to you as well {italicized are my own comments}:


I have finally come to realize that in some areas of my life, I am a perfectionist.  Not in everything, but in things concerning my personal life, I try very hard to be perfect, redeeming the time, faithful, efficient, and frugal.  The only problem is that I can never quite reach my own expectations. {that is SO me!!}  I also have three children, which have an amazing way of bringing inefficiently to life. 🙂 {what truth! lol}  But during the past few weeks, as I have tried very hard to study [a new language], home-school my children, care for my home, and visit with new friends, my goal of being faithful, diligent, and efficient has brought me nothing but frustration and has robbed me of my joy. {I have experienced this so often. No one can BE everything all the time!}

And then I began to realize that my eyes were in the wrong place. {OH, my spirit smites me!} Hebrews tells us that we are to be “looking unto Jesus,” and, as I heard many times in college, my goal is to be like God, and nothing else.  Now my daily goal in life is to walk with Christ, moment by moment – following the gentle promptings of His Spirit.  That just might mean that instead of studying one evening, I may be praying for [my mission field], or reading a book to my children, or playing dolls with [my daughter].

Following Christ will not always follow my “to do list,” or line up with my priorities for the day {because sometimes I am so “goal oriented”}, or look the same as other believers {no 2 families are the same}, but it will bring me peace and rest, joy and comfort as I make God my goal, and let Him order my day.  As I come to rest in the fact that God desires for me to be faithful, to learn [a new language], to raise my children, to stand by my husband – I can trust Him to guide my steps each day to accomplish these things and much more, as I rely on His wisdom and not my own.

I recently came across the words to one of my favorite hymns, and this verse has become the song of my heart.

I could not do without Thee,
I cannot stand alone,
I have no strength or goodness,
No wisdom of my own;
But Thou, beloved Savior,
Art all in all to me,
And weakness will be power
If leaning hard on Thee.

– Frances R. Haverg

I do not normally post on Saturdays... and definitely not this late :) but this post was so strong in my heart that I felt compelled to go ahead and post it. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It is overwhelming: this day-to-day of being a wife and mother, a sister and daughter, a friend, a mentor.

There is pressure from the world to do-all, be-all, have-all…. and if you don’t… well, I won’t go there.

There is pressure from within ourselves, and sometimes even from within our circle of friends, to do-it-right, to-make-it-look-good… and if there’s a crack in that mirage you’re selling to the public, the whole thing comes crashing down one day.

But do you know where none of that pressure originates?

None of that pressure originates from our Lord.

Yes, He does not want us living in filth… never cleaning our home or washing our clothing.

But neither does HE put this pressure into our lives to have this perfect pretense.

I am going to share a portion of a letter a dear friend of mine sent out a while back. She and her family are missionaries and wish to remain anonymous, but what she wrote really spoke to my spirit that day, and has helped me view certain situations very differently since.

I pray that it will be a blessing to you as well {italicized are my own comments}:


I have finally come to realize that in some areas of my life, I am a perfectionist.  Not in everything, but in things concerning my personal life, I try very hard to be perfect, redeeming the time, faithful, efficient, and frugal.  The only problem is that I can never quite reach my own expectations. {that is SO me!!}  I also have three children, which have an amazing way of bringing inefficiently to life. 🙂 {what truth! lol}  But during the past few weeks, as I have tried very hard to study [a new language], home-school my children, care for my home, and visit with new friends, my goal of being faithful, diligent, and efficient has brought me nothing but frustration and has robbed me of my joy. {I have experienced this so often. No one can BE everything all the time!}

And then I began to realize that my eyes were in the wrong place. {OH, my spirit smites me!} Hebrews tells us that we are to be “looking unto Jesus,” and, as I heard many times in college, my goal is to be like God, and nothing else.  Now my daily goal in life is to walk with Christ, moment by moment – following the gentle promptings of His Spirit.  That just might mean that instead of studying one evening, I may be praying for [my mission field], or reading a book to my children, or playing dolls with [my daughter].

Following Christ will not always follow my “to do list,” or line up with my priorities for the day {because sometimes I am so “goal oriented”}, or look the same as other believers {no 2 families are the same}, but it will bring me peace and rest, joy and comfort as I make God my goal, and let Him order my day.  As I come to rest in the fact that God desires for me to be faithful, to learn [a new language], to raise my children, to stand by my husband – I can trust Him to guide my steps each day to accomplish these things and much more, as I rely on His wisdom and not my own.

I recently came across the words to one of my favorite hymns, and this verse has become the song of my heart.

I could not do without Thee,
I cannot stand alone,
I have no strength or goodness,
No wisdom of my own;
But Thou, beloved Savior,
Art all in all to me,
And weakness will be power
If leaning hard on Thee.

– Frances R. Haverg


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an update

How do you like the blog’s new look? ! If you are reading this in your e-mail, would you click over here and see it? 🙂 I appreciate ANY feedback.

If you have not visited in a while then I have some


 to tell you!

I am going to be TEACHING this year in our little Christian Church school…. So, it may be a while before the blog is completely ‘revamped’… I still have to re-attach most of my photos to their posts.

In the mean time, I am still on facebook!! and would LOVE to hear from any of you via comments or facebook.


favorite story

ADVENT Scripture Reading {free printable}

ADVENT Scripture Reading {free printable}


Tonight we will begin our traditional Advent Readings each evening as a family… including the entire traditional Christmas Story, which we read also on Christmas morning.

Our previous version of printed cards is several years old and was awkward to store, so I have redone all the cards to re-hang this year and thought I’d share them with you!

Do you have an Advent tradition in your family?

If you don’t, would you consider reading these prophecies with us?

{I would LOVE for you to leave a comment and let me know if you’re using this printable!} 

Here is a FREE download to cut apart and use however works for your family.

click to go to this FREE DOWNLOAD

A few suggestions would be to print on card-stock and glue them to decorative paper or have your children decorate the back…


these Christmas number papers were in a paper-pack from the craft store….

…punch a hole in 1 corner and attach to a binder ring, trim just a bit on the ends and they will fit in a 3x5 card organizer, use small clips to hang on a twigs gathered in a vase (similar to creating a Jesse Tree*), or make a banner and decorate a wall with them!

* Isaiah 11:1 – And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: A Jesse Tree is often a few twigs tied together, a banner, an actual Christmas tree, or some other item on which you hang special ornaments or cards with Scripture Reading to learn about Jesus in the O.T. and read His story.

these are decorated mini-clothes pins already strung on twine...found at my local dollar-tree store

these are decorated mini-clothes pins already strung on twine…found at my local dollar-tree store

However you use them after printing them, my prayer is that reading these prophecies and their fulfillment as well as discussing the traditional Christmas Story will spark conversations with your family about Jesus, and possibly bring your children to want to know HIM personally if they do not already.


These are designed for family use, but please feel free to print an extra copy to use in your church’s childrens’ programs, perhaps directing other parents to my site for their own download? Thank you!


the original series: posted 5 years ago!


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