So, I’m still here.

Sometimes I post a thought on Facebook, and recently I came across an blog post from Time-Warp Wife in which she introduces the idea of Bible Journaling to her readers. It is not a “new concept” but the way she spoke of it struck a chord with my heart.

Now, I do not have a Journaling Bible as of yet, but I am looking around before making a decision on which one I want to get. Until then, I have been journaling in…. {wait for it….} a journal. 🙂

photo (14)I was given this beautiful little notebook a couple of years ago and it was simply too ornate to just write random thoughts in, so it has been gathering dust {like THAT’s what ornate journals are for?? anyway, back to the story} on my bookshelf. 

As of now, it is where I am collecting random verses that speak to me, either from personal reading or church or even social media. I am thankful for my friends that post Bible verses that have spoken to them!

Some of you know that I already enjoy combining graphic design with Bible verses, and this just pushed me out of my element to try to DRAW my thoughts.

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It has been so relaxing–I’ve “lost” several hours working on a few of my projects. 🙂

Each entry takes on a life of it’s own over the course of a couple of days. I sketch on scrap paper. I do a nice sketch in which I trace and color on drawing paper. Then I redraw the whole thing into my Journaling book.

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I’ve made some of them into bookmarks with very simple backing. I’ve contemplated doing simple frames with some of them. My book currently has 11 pages filled.

For those on Instagram, you can follow others who are participating in Bible Journaling by the # drawingcloser. I’ll be adding a new page on this blog to add my Bible Journaling to as I do more.

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I hope to actually write posts about some of the verses and how they spoke to my heart and why I did an entry with them, but for now, I pray they can be a blessing “as is.”


you can now find my Bible Journaling {#drawingcloser} page here.